Monday, July 25, 2011

Write Steps

I thought I would link up with TBA and offer a writing tip today!

Our district has not had a writing curriculum in quite a while and many teachers were really struggling with teaching writing in a cohesive way as everyone is just doing their own thing! When we found this

we were all Very Excited!! It is a wonderful program that coordinates writing through the elementary grades, so what we teach in 1st builds off what they learned in K, what we teach in 2nd builds off what we teach in 1st, you get the picture. I love the program, it was designed to follow the Michigan Grade Level content Standards, but is being revised to address the Common Core! We've been using the program for two years and the improvement in student writing is amazing, of course we still throw in our favorite activities from other sources but this provides the continuity we were looking for! Head on over and check it out! There are videos for all the lessons - you can view some samples.


  1. Thanks for sharing on TBA and welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

    Teaching Blog Addict
    ♥Teaching with TLC

  2. Hello,
    I am a parent whose elementary grade 5 classroom is introducing Write Steps program this year. There has not been any program in place previously. I notice it has been one year since you posted positive comments about Write Steps. Can you update readers with any positive or negative feedback you have experienced with the Write Steps program?
    I am a parent just trying to look into this new program that my daughter will be exposed to this upcoming year. THanks!
