Friday, February 3, 2012

What I love linky party...a tribute..and a giveaway!

I LOVE Friday!! I LOVE my cozy couch, chocolate, Dr. Pepper, blogging, and snow days! I am not loving working a full day today after being at parent teacher conferences until 8:00 last night! Here are some more things I'm loving........
Head on over to Funky First Grade Fun and share what you love through her linky party!!

Today the teacher blog community is honoring Pam Woods of  The Vintage Teacher.

Pam was a great educator, blogger, and friend to many, she loved Freebie Friday's. This week we learned the sad news that she had passed away so in honor of her I have a couple freebies for you......
labels HS
 When you get to scrib you can choose to download as a power point and then change the wording in them to meet your needs
Calendar Headers
When you see this one it looks all goofy because scrib does not support the font I used but when you download it it will look right again!

And don't forget about my giveaway, I am celebrating 300 Followers!!!!
click on the picture below to enter and win these fabulous prizes! 
Happy Friday Everyone!



  1. Hi Amy - So glad you linked up! I love to eat chocolate too!
    Funky First Grade Fun

  2. I totally should have written that I love to shop for classroom stuff!!! :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  3. Funny, I started this last night, and I put that I hate shopping...but I take that back after reading yours, I love to shop for classroom stuff to. I can't screw that up. Shopping for clothes, yeah- I can screw that one up...I have no sense of style.

    I'll have to link up tomorrow!

    Happy weekend :)

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  4. I love your blog! You've been tagged! Visit my blog to see how it works. :)

    Mrs. Tilmon Says…

  5. Just stopping by to see what you love! I love chocolate and teaching reading too! I'm your newest follower. Drop by when you can!


    The Teacher's Chatterbox
