Friday, August 10, 2012

Classroom Photos Finally!!!

It's been a long week of meetings, orientations, professional development, and getting to know my new district! So far I LOVE IT!!! I am so excited for Monday when we officially start! Today was my only day this week to get into my classroom and I think I've pretty much gotten it done! I still have a couple of organizational things to do but for the most part I'm ready!! So here's a look at how it turned out...
 view from the door just as you walk in!
 Word wall area - the baskets underneath hold sentence strips for adding words on, markers, hand pointers, and ????
Above the sink!! I love the signs I found at Sweet Blessings!  I need one more! and those are the fans I bought to hang above the library, but we aren't suppose to hang things from the ceiling so I added them to these cabinets, they look great! The sign under the sink with blue boarder is a gift from my son, it says "To get what you never had you have to do what you never did" he knows I love the quote so he made it for me, he's so sweet!!!
 This is the board behind my small group table! The calendar is there chart paper and our wow word collector! You can also see my alphabet line I got from Ladybug Teacher Files!! I LOVE IT too!!
 Look at my library!!! Don't  mind my husband back there he's trying to get out of the way and didn't want me to share this one but you need to see the whole library!!! I just need to get a rug! I think It turned out so cute and cozy!! Can't wait to see kids shopping for books!
 Here's the CAFE menu above the library shelves! I uploaded my cafe signs to vista print and ordered them on a large poster they came out huge, and it worked perfectly here! Also notice the banner I made earlier this summer!
 The crate bench, pillows, and  READ letters (all Monday Made it's)!!!  the back of the filing cabinets made a great display, those are wipe off speech bubbles with magnets on the back the kids can add their thoughts to! ( I need one more pink bin but haven't had much luck and finding one UGGG)
 Here are my supply drawers, eraser gumball machine, pencil holder, sucker tree!! Above it is my "Love, Mrs. Marshall" poster and our classroom expectations.
 My computer area! I'm loving my Livey Lou magnetic board, and filetastic from Mardels! 
 I go this little shelf at family dollar for $12, works perfect for that phone that doesn't hang on the wall! The purple and pink M was from Target's dollar spot and my husband drilled holes in the top to hold my pens!
and here's the door outside, I don't have a lot of room in the hall so this is all I put out! 

Well, there it is!! What do you think!! I hope the kids feel comfortable and cared for here!
 Looking forward to inviting them in to learn!!!

Don't forget I still have a giveaway going on!! You could win a Shabby Apple dress, Hurry go enter, it's a great prize, I want to win it myself!!!

I plan to be back tomorrow with a couple of freebies, until then have a wonderful Friday everyone!


  1. It looks great! So bright and energetic! Great job and have a wonderful year :)

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  2. Amy everything looks amazing!! I love the CAFE board & banner..

  3. I LOVE all the pink and green! And your reading area, too! Super fab!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  4. I have the same color scheme as you - your room looks great! I especially like the reading bench.

  5. Amy,
    Your room looks amazing!!!! You really whipped it together, didn't you? You'd never know you did it that fast...that cuteness would take me WEEKS!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  6. Your room looks so organized and cute!

    Krazy About Kiddos

  7. love it, very cute! i have to get a number line for my room now. does yours wrap around the whole room?

  8. Your room looks absolutely fabulous! Beautiful...beautiful!


  9. What a wonderful, happy, organized classroom! I LOVE your library and cafe board and all your summer projects really make the room special!

  10. I love your room! It's so organized and colorful!

    Lesson plans & Lattes

  11. Your room looks so inviting! I'm sure that your students will feel comfortable and enjoying their environment!

    One Happy Teacher

  12. Your room looks wonderful!! You were meticulous in your organization and set-up!!!

  13. Amy your rooms is so bright and fun! I love the green and hot pink color combos!!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  14. The pinks! The greens! The polka dots! I'm going to faint. I love it all. I'm your newest follower. I love the pics!

    You Might Be a First Grader...

  15. Your room is amazing. My favorite part is your Cafe area. Those CAFE letters are wonderful. Come link up to my giveaway/linky if you have time. It's all about classroom pictures.

  16.! You did an awesome looks fabulous! And you did it in one day??!!! Can I hire you? I ADORE your library!! How did you make the crate bench? So glad to hear you love your new district!

    ~ Mizz J
    Apple Blossoms

  17. WOW-It looks so amazing! The first thing I noticed were the polka dots which turned out to be the fans. And that reading center looks so cool!! Good Job!!! Everything you worked so hard on came together in this room to create the perfect environment. Thanks for sharing! Heather

  18. Your classroom looks lovely! i love all the pink and green accents..Best of luck :)

  19. Love your room!!! SO CUTE! And the husband picture is HILARIOUS!!! I had a couple like that, but he was posing to be stupid and I had to get him out of the way...I was like...THIS IS GOING ON MY BLOG! hahaha

    Stop by anytime!


  20. May I copy your room? Seriously, it is amazing!! GREAT JOB!!! Stop by and visit anytime! SMILES!

  21. Your room looks amazing, Amy! I love your color scheme and how everything ties together.


  22. Love the colors! Those are my classroom colors too! Great job!

  23. Your room looks fantastic! I love your library!!!

  24. Wow, amazing!! Can I be in your class??

  25. I have been downloading and printing off your freebies for my own classoom and I LOVE LOVE LOVE everything! How did you make the sign for the outside of your class? I would love to have that outside mine! Could I get a copy of it? Thanks!

  26. Your room looks GREAT! I love the pink & green :) I wish my room was done. Hopefully sometime this week I'll finish it up...I only have a week left to prepare!

    I'm running a giveaway for 100 followers (Can you believe it?? You were my 1st!!). Thanks for getting me started, Amy :) Have a great school year!!

    Sliding into First!

  27. Your room looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing where you bought the shelves for your supply drawers. I think that will make mine more stable, I keep debating the system to use and really like how you did yours. :)


  28. Your room is beautiful! Thanks for sharing and giving me the inspiration to get my own classroom together! Your students are going to love learning there! Well done!

  29. I love the pink and green theme! So cute - very inviting and organized!

  30. Your room is beautiful! I love the colors and the organization. =)

    Heather's Heart

  31. Just out of curiosity, how much of your own money do you spend on your classroom each year?

  32. I love the pink and the green together! It looks amazing! Thanks for linking up!

    Swimming into Second

  33. Thanks for linking up and sharing your great room. Love the CAFE sign.
    Time 4 Kindergarten

  34. Love your room! I like the green and pink color scheme! Thanks for linking up!

    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  35. I love the green and pink in your room - my favorite colors!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  36. I love it Amy!! Love, love, love!!! Everything is so coordinated and perfect together! Happy new school year! :) :)

  37. Just curious, where did you find the green and pink tubs for your books? I want to update my classroom library but can't seem to find the right containers for my books! Those would be perfect!!!
