Friday, October 12, 2012

Freebie Friday, and Giveaway Reminder!

I am working on reorganizing again! I still have all my "stuff" for the younger grades packed in around our house and it's driving my family crazy!! So I have started a slow process of clearing a closet and getting it all sorted out! What I wanted to share with you all today is the binder covers/spines I created for my monthly binders! I shared about them before here, this is what they looked like...........

I wanted to spruce them up and so here are the new covers for you...........

I feel so far behind right now, I'm spending the weekend planning! Hopefully it's as fruitful as I want it to be and I'll have a lot more to share soon!!

Don't forget I have an awesome giveaway going on - You could win some fabulous brag tags like these
 Post Elementary - Custom BragTags™ (SAVE THE DAY)Personalized Paw Tag - Reading is Fun (Monkey)Personalized BragTags™ - Hang Out and ReadSprings Valley Elementary - Custom BragTags™ (Celebrating the Lorax)
 Click on any of the pictures above to go to my giveaway and enter! I do have to ask that you are honest and follow imagestuff's blog and confirm the email that you are a follower, it seems we have lots of entries but not lots of followers showing up!!! PLEASE PLEASE check your email and confirm so that you show up as a follower! I hate having to police these things!! If you've already  entered please check again and make sure your a follower!!! I really appreciate your help with this!!

Happy Friday Everyone, I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to my weekend!!!


  1. Love your covers! I so need to do this. My file folders get just too messy.

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  2. Thank you! These are Sooo cute!!

  3. These are adorable - I absolutely love them! Maybe I'll start organizing now since I'll have cute covers ;)

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  4. Your covers are so cute! You've inspired me to clean out a closet and get my materials organized in binders! Thank you for sharing!

    Teaching Special Kids

  5. These covers are so stinkin' cute! Thanks for sharing! :D

  6. How did you know I was doing JUST this thing this afternoon - thanks for sharing!

  7. LOVE these covers! I also love the font you used for the monthly names. What is the font name?

    Thanks for the freebie!

    2nd Grade Pad

  8. Thank you so much for the adorable covers! I thought my covers were cute, but yours take the cake! :) Thanks for sharing.

  9. I BOO'd you, Amy! :) Usually I don't do such things, but HAD to spread the word about you and your awesome freebies!


    Here's the link if you want to check it out!

  10. Love your covers!!! I found you through Christina's blog! She had good things to say about you!

    We hope you'll check us out too...we're running a giveaway through Tuesday! You should enter :)

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  11. I just gave you a shout out over on my blog because "You've Been Boo'd" 2nd Grade Pad is hosting a linky party. Please come visit my blog for more information so you can decide if you want to participate.

  12. Your covers are so cute! I have your binder set that you made for yearly binders at the start of the year. SO cute!!

    Resource Room Rules

  13. I love your covers! Would it be possible to change the sizing, so that they would fit onto boxes for monthly storage? Thanks.
