Monday, December 31, 2012

It's 2013 Let's celebrate with January Currently!! (Freebies)

Farley is on top of the New Year, she's already posted January's currently! Here's what I'm doing........
My husband has been sick for two days! I would rather be sick then have him be sick, he is a grouch!! Needless to say I am ringing in the new year alone (well just me and my computer) while my kiddos are off at a party for the youth of our church and the hubby is snoring away! I am glad he is resting though here's hoping he feels much better tomorrow!
Can you tell returning to school is on my mind?? I've enjoyed my break so much and perhaps have spent a little too much time snuggled under the blankets doing nothing!! Now it is quickly coming to a close and I haven't gotten much done! The agenda for the rest of the week - clean, organize, and lesson plan!!

My OLW is an extension of last years goal. Last year I choose "Let go" and I feel like it made a difference  to remember throughout the year and challenge myself through some difficult times to just let the little things go! This year I want to take the next step and lead the life God intends for me rather than just do what I want to do! I want to take those little things to him and find his direction for me each day. I showed off the new journal my brother got me for Christmas (he didn't even know my word!) and I said I was working on a printable, and here it is........
I loved the Blue/White but decided to make a couple more in my favorite colors, I love them all so much I'm not sure which one I'll use myself!! If you want them just click on any of them to get the pdf!

Hope your all having a wonderful start to your New Year!!
I look forward to sharing more with you soon!


  1. I need to start thinking about going back to school, too, but I don't want to! :(

    Fifth in the Middle

  2. I just found your blog from Oh' Boy 4th Grade. I like your printable. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. You are so right about letting the little things go. Have a wonderful New Year! :)

    The Balanced Classroom

  3. What a wonderful blog post! Following God's lead was well said! Beautiful!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  4. Very encouraging and challenging! I want to be more consistent in reading the Bible each morning and journaling my prayers as well.
    I hear ya about getting my house organized - we spent the last week visiting family in Canada, and returned to wrapping paper still sprawled all over the living room floor :) ahh the joys of returning to normalcy.

    Joy in the Journey

  5. My boyfriend has been sick since Friday night. He is also a big grouch when he is sick! I am thankful however that he is starting to feel better! Here is hoping that your hubby begins feeling better soon too!

  6. I really like your word - sometimes it's hard to remember to wait and listen afterward though (at least for me). I'm your newest follower. :)

    I Love My Classroom

  7. Just stumbled across your blog...and love it! Love your "prayer" motto. Your blog inspires me to push myself to improve my own blog! Check me out if you have time! Would love any suggestions or comments! I'm your newest follower!

  8. Happy New Ywear to you!
    Thanks for sharing your ideas and freebies!

  9. Love the printable signs! What a great word to focus on this year too. I can't believe it' actually a new year :)

    Brie @ Breezy Special Ed
