Monday, July 6, 2015

Monday Made it #3

It's Monday again! I'm back to share what I've been working on in my classroom. So here are this weeks made its....
I really wanted a way to put up some personal family photos and quick reminders around my "teacher" area. I didn't want it to take up a lot of space, I have a few frames but I really wanted it up off the counter because I plan on using that for materials this year. I was in Michaels again looking for something when I found these..
Cork squares, they came in packs of four and were on sale for 60% off so I got 8 squares for less than $3! They are perfect for the space I am wanting to use them in. 

I wanted to dress them up to match my classroom so I got scrapbook paper in my colors, and spray adhesive. I cut the paper to fit each square and glued it on.
 The cork came with foam mounting squares which I used to attach them to the wall. Here they are in use!
 One last picture so you can get a better idea of the size. I only have three up right now but I plan to continue the pattern putting all 8 squares under this bulletin board. I am excited to have this place to pin things where I will easily see them!
Simple, functional, makes me happy :)

I had this space above the clock in my classroom that was empty. It's right between two bulletin boards and it looked so blank. I decided to create a poster to put there. So I came up with this....

Here it is in that empty space.
I love the reminder every time I look at the clock! You can click on either of these pictures to download this print free!

Finally for this week I re-decorated my plastic drawers that will hold my science and social studies units. I used scrap book paper from Hobby Lobby and double sided tape to attach it. Since It's just me using the drawers I think it will hold up fine. I created the labels and printed them on business card stickers. I laminated them before sticking them on so I can write on them and wipe it off later if I need to. I know my units keep changing so I like to be able to change the labels easily.
My classroom is really coming together. Looking forward to sharing the finished product soon. Right now I am waiting for a whiteboard to replace my chalkboard, then I can finally finish the front of the room and I'll be ready!

Don't forget to check out all the other awesome ideas over at Tara's Blog
Thanks again for taking the time to stop by!

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  1. Love the simplicity of what you have made!

    Hodges Herald

  2. Love the cork board -- never would have thought of doing that!

  3. I did the cork board thing last year. I absolutely love it! It was also a great spot to hang the lunch list!

  4. The corkboard is a great idea. I have TONS of frames around my room and they certainly do take up a lot of room. I might need to do just what you've done!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  5. So cute!! I love that your cork boards and plastic drawers match!


    The First Grade Dream

    The First Grade Dream

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Love the colors of your classroom. I will really just have a cubicle for myself this year (I am an ESL teacher) but I still may use something like those cork squares.

    My Bright Blue House

  8. Amy,
    I purchased your Dots on Chocolate Binder Set in 2013-14 and did not get an update last year. I was wondering if I could get an update for this coming school year? My school is revamping their phone/email so I am giving you my personal email info, Thank you! I really love your Dots on Chocolate, it goes with my décor so well!
