Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My 11 in 11!

Kristin at Teeny Tiny Teacher and Hadar at Miss Kindergarten are hosting a best of 2011 Linky Party and I thought I would join in on the fun...so here are my favorites from this past year....

11. Favorite movie you watched: 
Bought this one for my daughter on her birthday we've watched a million times and it's still good every time!

10. Favorite TV series:
Heart of Dixie, stumbled on this one night and have loved it ever since!
9. Favorite restaurant:
 Texas Corral, Love their fish! Not a lot of restaurants around here where you can get Cat fish like my Grandma used to make it :)

8. Favorite new thing you tried:
 Blogging, definitely!! I know it's an easy answer but I really haven't tried anything else new that I have liked! But I love Blogging so it's been a good New Thing!

7. Favorite gift you got:
 New Printer - got it last night spent all night trying to get it to work wirelessly (not sure that's a word but it works) and now it does and I love it!! Printed over 200 pages and still have 3/4 full ink levels!! YEAH! Great looking pics, and fast printing! Such and improvement over my previous Lexmark that never worked right!

6. Favorite thing you pinned:
 Love it and it has made my life easier!! 

5. Favorite blog post:
Any of my Fab Finds posts. I love shopping especially when I get a great deal, and when I find something to use in my classroom to help my students learn better!

4. Best accomplishment:
 Surviving teaching K-1 + 7-9 special education until Christmas break!! Preparing to face it all again makes me wonder how I've done it this long :)

3. Favorite picture:
 Taken on Christmas morning we were just playing around having some great family time and my daughter was trying out her new camera, my husband grabs me and says "here get this" to funny!!

2. Favorite memory:
 Wow I don't know if there is just one! Spending the summer with my kids - no work - no school for the first time in 8 years was great we made lots of great memories at the beach and home! Christmas break has also been great since we are all home (including my husband who usually still has to work) and we've just been relaxing enjoying one another!

1. Goal for 2012:
To  relax and enjoy my life more! My kids are really growing up fast and I know they will be gone before I know it. It's been a hard year and I've been really stressed so I want to spend more time with them having fun rather than worrying about work all the time. Professional I want to complete long range lesson plans rather than flying by week to week as I have been. Since it's a totally new position and we are making the switch from GLCE's to the common core it's been a crazy year as far as long term planning goes I haven't done much but I hope to change that soon! And finish my Masters degree for real this time! 

Now go on over and check out what everyone else is saying about 2011!



  1. Thanks for linking up!
    I LOVE Soul Surfer - such an inspiring story!
    Your picture is adorable - what a fun, sweet hubby!
    I need a new printer.
    Thanks for joining in!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. Love your favorite picture! So cute.

    New follower!

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  3. What kind of printer is that? Printing 200 pages and still having ink left amazes me!

  4. I pinned those frames too! The fact you made it makes me want to do it even more. That picture is too cute!!

  5. a wireless printer is now on my wish list!

  6. I never even heard of a wireless printer - just thinking I"m doing good with blog hopping. I love your blog and am your newest follower from K Expo Linky. I hope you'll visit my blog. Happy New Year!
