Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Years Resolutions!

A Teacher's Treasure is hosting a Linky Party to get 2012 off to the right start!

Here are my New Years Resolutions.....

1.) Go on a vacation with my family somewhere fun that we've never been before! This means I have to SAVE money!! That's hard for me! I spend half my paycheck on stuff for school and I seriously need to stop!!

2.) Spend more time with my kids - they are growing up way too fast! and my Husband of course :) I've been working full time and going to school for four years - I feel like I've missed out on a lot, hopefully after this last class I can slow down a bit and enjoy my other life!

3.) Be more healthy! Eat better, exercise more, have fun, and take care of me when I need to! This is the hardest one for me. I eat horribly because I am on the go and I'm a stress eater, I don't exercise because once I am home I just want to sit down and then I never get back up, and I am always putting myself on the back burner while I take care of everyone else - this has lead to near melt downs recently and I am realizing how important it is for me to change this if I want to be able to help anyone else!

1.) Finish my Masters Degree - one more class, I have to complete an internship that I'm really struggling with it's going to be a difficult semester but at least I have my blogging buddies to go to for support!

2.) Complete some professional development that I am excited about and feel will be useful in the classroom! I'd love some math pd that is relevent and useful - if you know of anything let me know!

3.) Get a Classroom of my own!! - I know this is a big one, it's going to be interesting to see what happens with retirements and budgets at the end of the year. I am praying and leaving it up to God to show me where I should be and what I should do about my Job!

Head on over and see what everyone else is working on in 2012. I am excited that this will be posted again at the end of the year so I can see if I actually followed through! Thanks Mrs. Zrihen for hosting :)


  1. These are great goals!
    You are so close to the finish line! I have 4 more classes and I'm dying!!!! I pray that you get your classroom this coming new year!!!

    Thanks for linking up!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. sounds like my day today! Put away Christmas, cleaned the house, sorted toys and closets...now I can focus. whew...good luck tomorrow!
