It's teacher week 2015 over on Blog Hoppin! I'm joining in on the fun to share ...
1.) I Love my Family! I can not believe that my oldest is off to college this year. He's about 6 hours away in Pennsylvania, and it feels so weird to not see him every day. He is loving it so far and I am so proud of him but it's a big change for this family! Here we are getting him settled into his dorm room a couple of weeks ago.
1.) I Love my Family! I can not believe that my oldest is off to college this year. He's about 6 hours away in Pennsylvania, and it feels so weird to not see him every day. He is loving it so far and I am so proud of him but it's a big change for this family! Here we are getting him settled into his dorm room a couple of weeks ago.
2.) My daughter and I are enjoying the school year too! She's a senior!! I don't know what I am going to do when she leaves next year. Here we are on the way to school for the first day, Her last first day of high school. Oh how I wish I could slow down time!
3.) My husband and I will be married 20 years this May! I hope we are able to go on a fun trip to celebrate. We haven't ever gone on a vacation without the kids. Our son was born six weeks early, one week after our first anniversary so this vacation has been a long time coming. Where should we go? We'd love some suggestions.
20 years ago
This past Valentine's Day!
4.) I did not finish High School when I was suppose to. I ended up getting my High School Diploma through correspondence courses (before internet was available), and went to college 10 years later after my children were both in school themselves. I am the first in my family to earn a college degree. It was a lot of work but I LOVE teaching, and I'm so glad I went back to school! Here I am with my kids on my graduation day in 2008!
5.) Did I mention how much I LOVE teaching! I'm and organization freak, and totally coordinate my classroom. You will see more on Wednesday but here's a little peak at the organization behind my desk this year.
I am so fortunate to work with an amazing group of people that have a passion for teaching children. I love going to work everyday and watching the children learn and grow. This group of silly second graders has already stolen my heart!
Head on over to Blog Hoppin to catch up with more of your favorite teacher bloggers and see what fun facts they are sharing. Come back tomorrow for some tasty recipes for make ahead meals because we all know how hard cooking is once school starts back. Happy Teacher Week 2015!