I was a little disappointed in my shopping trip yesterday but I did find a few things to use in the classroom! Check them out................
Today was another fun filled adventure trying to find my precious daughter a dress to wear on Easter!!
First of all my son drove, I defiantly thought it would be easier to ride with him....it was stressful to say the least!! The worst part he loves to argue and every time I tried to give him a suggestion he said "that's not how I learned it" which got me going because you haven't learned anything yet, you've only drove twice!!
Please someone tell me it will get easier and everyone has a hard time at first, because the other parents at the driving class just kept saying everything was going great - no problems, and I was like "really"?????
Anyway I will be trying my best to be a calm, relaxed teacher in the future, we both left the car in tears :(
And let me tell you about my daughter!!! She is a tomboy if ever there was one!! She loves horses and we actually had an argument over the fact that she "likes her room to smell like horses, even the smell of manure is good"!! Seriously she said that to me!!!
She would be perfectly happy in her old ripped up jeans, t-shirt, and boots 24-7, she does not EVER want to wear a dress. Unfortunately there are times when she does need to dress it up a bit, like the day she was inducted into the National Honor Society, the note said "you must DRESS UP" she thought the black jeans, black T-shirt were dressy enough!!
Me I wanted to curl her hair, or at least put it up all cute, I offered to buy her new clothes, she could get anything she wanted, I'd take her to get her hair done, nails done, anything????? Nope nothing worked, she did end up wearing a pair of my dress pants and a dress shirt, but they were off within minutes afterwards.
So I've been working on her lately, just wear a dress to church on Easter for me pleeeeaaasssee, would you pleeeaassseee just give your momma one day - one morning of dressing up because I think you would actually like it if you tried it! I remember how cute you were when I could still pick out your clothes, see look at those pictures, you loved it when I dolled you up like that.
Grumpy 13 year old her - finally said ok, I think she just wanted me to shut up really, but I didn't care, I was ecstatic!! Once I was over the drive with her brother we headed into the mall and began the search! I knew it wasn't going to be something totally ruffly, no flowers, no sparkles, but it started to get a little ridiculous!
Three stores in she finally tells me she wants a skirt and shirt, ok I can live with that! How about this one??? Ok how about this??? No is must be long, like touch the floor long! Found a couple, which one does she want of course, BLACK!! OK, OK, we'll go with the black one! She actually tried it on, it's cute, let's find a shirt!
Again, no I don't like this, not that, not that either!! Guess what she wants, a BLACK t-shrit!!! UGGG, we finally settled on a black shirt with sparkly purple stripes, it's not what I was thinking but it's better than jeans and a plain old t-shirt!!
Lesson learned!! I know I've gotta let them be who they are and love them through it all, but it is hard letting them go - I know it's just beginning and this momma's got a long way to go!! Lord help me make it through these teenage years please!!
Hope your all enjoying your weekend!! Have I mentioned how glad I am that it's Spring Break???!!!!!
summer scrapbook paper
small paper lanterns, I got pink and green but
they had yellow and blue too!
they had yellow and blue too!
Cute Mary Engelbert Tins for spring,
can't wait to put my card games in them!!
And these jumbo clothes pins came from Michaels dollar bins! I have been wanting to get these but wasn't going to pay 5 dollars for one, I'm going to use them to hold center signs or posters we are working on in our guided reading centers.can't wait to put my card games in them!!
Today was another fun filled adventure trying to find my precious daughter a dress to wear on Easter!!
First of all my son drove, I defiantly thought it would be easier to ride with him....it was stressful to say the least!! The worst part he loves to argue and every time I tried to give him a suggestion he said "that's not how I learned it" which got me going because you haven't learned anything yet, you've only drove twice!!
Please someone tell me it will get easier and everyone has a hard time at first, because the other parents at the driving class just kept saying everything was going great - no problems, and I was like "really"?????
Anyway I will be trying my best to be a calm, relaxed teacher in the future, we both left the car in tears :(
And let me tell you about my daughter!!! She is a tomboy if ever there was one!! She loves horses and we actually had an argument over the fact that she "likes her room to smell like horses, even the smell of manure is good"!! Seriously she said that to me!!!
She would be perfectly happy in her old ripped up jeans, t-shirt, and boots 24-7, she does not EVER want to wear a dress. Unfortunately there are times when she does need to dress it up a bit, like the day she was inducted into the National Honor Society, the note said "you must DRESS UP" she thought the black jeans, black T-shirt were dressy enough!!
Me I wanted to curl her hair, or at least put it up all cute, I offered to buy her new clothes, she could get anything she wanted, I'd take her to get her hair done, nails done, anything????? Nope nothing worked, she did end up wearing a pair of my dress pants and a dress shirt, but they were off within minutes afterwards.
So I've been working on her lately, just wear a dress to church on Easter for me pleeeeaaasssee, would you pleeeaassseee just give your momma one day - one morning of dressing up because I think you would actually like it if you tried it! I remember how cute you were when I could still pick out your clothes, see look at those pictures, you loved it when I dolled you up like that.
Grumpy 13 year old her - finally said ok, I think she just wanted me to shut up really, but I didn't care, I was ecstatic!! Once I was over the drive with her brother we headed into the mall and began the search! I knew it wasn't going to be something totally ruffly, no flowers, no sparkles, but it started to get a little ridiculous!
Three stores in she finally tells me she wants a skirt and shirt, ok I can live with that! How about this one??? Ok how about this??? No is must be long, like touch the floor long! Found a couple, which one does she want of course, BLACK!! OK, OK, we'll go with the black one! She actually tried it on, it's cute, let's find a shirt!
Again, no I don't like this, not that, not that either!! Guess what she wants, a BLACK t-shrit!!! UGGG, we finally settled on a black shirt with sparkly purple stripes, it's not what I was thinking but it's better than jeans and a plain old t-shirt!!
Lesson learned!! I know I've gotta let them be who they are and love them through it all, but it is hard letting them go - I know it's just beginning and this momma's got a long way to go!! Lord help me make it through these teenage years please!!
Hope your all enjoying your weekend!! Have I mentioned how glad I am that it's Spring Break???!!!!!