First I have wanted the letter sound tubs from Lakeshore Learning
(you can see them here|2534374302106068~~.jsp?cs=PDP_1_LC856)
but I just couldn't afford them, so I decided to make my own!
I have been collecting lot of little things around the house and my classroom to add to the tubs
and then I found the cutest little erasers Crazerasers (see them here ) each set comes with at least 4 different objects for .99! I have found them at Wal-mart, Target, Walgreens, and Meijer. I've collected quite a few!
Each of my tubs will have at least two objects in them, some many more than that, I was surprised at how many things I have collected.
Now I had to decide what to store them in! I wanted something small enough it could fit into one of my center tubs, and something I could collect enough of to represent each letter of the alphabet without spending a fortune. I have a pampered chef safe edge can opener, while I was opening cans of tuna for lunch one day I suddenly realized they would be perfect for holding my little treasures. So I began to collect them, we had to eat a lot of tuna, until I had 26! Then I pulled the paper off each one, sanded it down, and spray painted it in cute colors!
Spray painted in three different colors, waiting for the paint to dry!
This is what they will look like when the kids use them, and sort the little objects into each one, I plan to choose two or three at a time, poor their contents into a bucket and have them sort them back into their proper cans!
I can't wait until my little kiddos get to use them!
I also made my cute little hand erasers found at the target dollar spot into pointers, I had some left over ribbon from the can project above and added little bows to them. I love them too! So cute!
I love your tuna can idea I have been trying to decide how to make those letter containers and those erasers...its perfect!!!!