Names, Colors, Shapes .....and don't forget about my giveaway

We've been busy learning to recognize and write our names, our colors and shapes in my remedial kindergarten group. Here are a few pictures of the activities we've done the past couple weeks.

We've read Dog's Colorful day! Love this book!!
Used these cards I made up to put into sequence and identify the colors dog gets on him!

Made our own colorful dogs using bingo dot painters!
Then made our own colorful names! (sorry for the bad quality of the pics. I only had my phone today)
colorful names!

Made Chicka Chicka names with foam stickers and coconut tree cutouts!

Rocked out with Pete the cat and made our own color shoe flip books! (I used the Shapes ect. shoe notepad and gave each child enough shoes to make one in each color - they colored them and I laminated them and attached them with a book ring - they love flipping through and finding the right color when we read our Pete class book!)
Made Jack-o-lantern faces with different shapes!

You can see the card on the table, I got this game from the mailbox magazine this month (it has the cards for you to cut out) then I made pumpkins with orange construction paper - since the magazine only came with one set of shapes I made a few more sets with black construction paper. Each child choose a card then used their shapes to recreate the face from the card on their pumpkin!

They loved it and ended up making each face on their own!

 And don't forget to enter my Giveaway!! I'm off to Grad classes but will choose a winner tonight when I get back!!

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