I'm Linking up with Kacy at Doddle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday once again! And what a wonderful Friday this is!! It's the first day of my spring break, and it's Good Friday - which means the Start of Easter services and remembering all that Christ has done for us!! I am so Thankful for him and his willingness to give his all for people who didn't deserve it one bit!! I love Easter - a time to celebrate the miracle of life!
Here's a look at five random things from my week!
Here's a look at five random things from my week!
1.) We've been working hard on Main Idea - This unit by Tracy from Creekside Teacher Tales has been AMAZING!! The non-fiction passages are great - my students loved them and the variety of response activities made is super easy for me to differentiate. Click on the pic below to check this unit out!!
2.) We got $50 from out PTO to spend in our classrooms, these little stools were on of my purchases! I love them, they are the perfect colors!! They make it easier for the kids to sit at the back counter where I have one of my reading centers! The kids love them too, they couldn't wait to get to that center and try them out!! It's the little things...ha ha!!
3.) Did I mention it's Spring Break yet?!?!?! I'm stocking up on some good reads for the week! I love a good book but don't get much of a chance to just enjoy one during the school year! When I get the chance I get in as much reading as I can! Any suggestions for great books???
4.) I know it was a short week at school, but it's just a crazy time of year with so much to do - so little time. This is my favorite stress relief at the moment. Unfortunately the scales are showing it! I can't wait for warmer weather so I can relieve stress out in the sunshine!!
5.) I'm linking up with several other bloggers to have a "Spring Cleaning Sale" everything in my store will be 20% off Saturday and Sunday! My fluency centers have been a big hit with my own students - I've already posted the April unit! I have some comprehension mini-units I've been adding too so stop by and check it out! (Thanks Krista for making this adorable graphic) Click on the pic to see my store!
Check out all the other sellers having sales too!!