It's Monday so I am sharing a little more about ME!
I have been a second grade teacher for four whole days and I love it! I love the connection to the students that I feel and the ability to teach in a variety of ways that I could not when I was only working with small groups. I was a special education teacher for 8 years prior to moving to second grade. I've taught at every grade level K-12 over those years. I've found something special to enjoy about each one but my best fit is primary! I feel like this is my dream job, and I'm so thankful that God opened the doors for me to be where I am today!
I am also a wife and mother! I enjoy spending time with my wonderful husband who I've been married to for 18 years, and our two children - Andrew is 17 and a senior this year, Amber is 16 and a junior. I know our lives are about to change a lot as they get to the end of their high school years! I am trying my best to cherish each moment I have with them!
My husband and I getting ready to go to church.The four of us at an orchard last fall! What a fun day we had!
My children and I on Mother's Day! They are such wonderful blessings to me!
The four of us on vacation to northern Michigan this summer!
I also teach Sunday School at our church, my husband plays the guitar during our worship times, and we all enjoy being a part of a congregation that is reaching out to a world who needs Jesus!
That's my life! I love where I am and who I'm here with! I doesn't get much better than that!
Tomorrow is WHERE you teach Tuesday! Head over to Blog Hoppin to check out all the wonderful classrooms that amazing teachers put together all over the world!

I'm right there with you as I watch my son enter high school this year! Yikes! They grow up so fast!
Teaching Little Miracles