1.) We are continuing to pass out "encouragement jars" and candy grams around the school for our random acts of kindness! It has been so sweet to see my students making connections with others students they would never have talked to before, and many adults have been blessed by the kind notes we've sent in their jars! I have really enjoyed this project!!
2.) We've been getting crafty this week! When I saw this freebie on TPT I knew I wanted to make these ornaments. I went the easiest route possible. Gave them some rolls of washi tape and some dot markers and let them decorate away. I hung them from the curtains over the windows. LOVE!
3.)When art was cancelled due to the lack of a sub I decided to do this stained glass nativity craft with my students during their art time. I got the idea HERE!
4.) We made our own stockings! Yep, we sewed!! I can't tell you how excited my students were to use an actual needle (blunt tipped of course) and yarn to sew together their felt stockings. They were so proud of their accomplishment. One little boy said he was going to go home and sew up the hole in his coat and surprise his mom with his new sewing talent!! They crack me up!!

Doesn't this just make our classroom look so festive!! I love walking into this each morning!
5.) We are learning about verbs and we made these adorable pictures. Thanks Christina Bainbridge for this idea, check out her blog for all the details on how we did this!
I got my winter scenes from Kari Bolt. Saving these to put on the bulletin board for after break.
We've had a busy week, and one more to go before break! I love the holidays but they can be exhausting!! I have a few more fun things planned for next week so come back and check it out!

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