This week we are finally getting back on track. I'm sharing some of the highlights from our classroom linking up with Doddle Bugs Teaching for...
1.) We've started our first science unit. We are studying plants, and having so much fun!! We've been using lots of activities from Stephanie Stewart's Plants unit.
We planted beans and are anxiously awaiting our sprouts! We are keeping observations logs, hoping there is more than soil to look at soon!
2.) We are learning all about regrouping with addition. Amy Lemon's Addition with Regrouping pack is amazing. We made these "pockets', and I was completely impressed by how quickly my students picked up this concept.3.) We had a few celebrations going on this week! First on Monday we celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday. We read books about MLK, and made these adorable colorful dreams craftivities adapted from The Bubbly Blonde's Free resource.
4.) Today we celebrated the 100th day of school. We wrote numbers to 100, 100 words, wrote about what we would do if we had 100 dollars, and made these adorable 100 days smarter crowns. These resources are from Mrs. Jones and Julie Lee.
Then we worked together to build a 100 cube line. Actually it ended up being a 400 cube line! They were so excited about it, we even took a video where they explained how they built it!
5.) Today was also pajama day and we had a celebration because these smarties have memorized 30 bible verses this year! It's Friday, and Pajama day, can't get much better than that!! Right?!?!
It's been a great week/month! Now time to enjoy the weekend, and get ready for another great week! Head on over to Kacey's blog to see what everyone else has been up to this week! Thanks for reading.

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