We made them necklaces.I took a picture of each student with a sign that said I love you mom, printed it 1" by 1". I used modge podge to adhere it to the back of these glass tiles. I added a bail using E6000 craft glue and we put them on ball chain. I got a spool of chain from Michaels and we cut it into 20" pieces. This made 15 necklaces and we had a lot left over. They turned out so cute and our mom's loved them!
We also made cards. Again I took pictures of the kids holding a sign that said "I love you because..." we put these on the front of the card. Inside it says "Top Ten Reasons I Love You" and they each wrote ten things about their moms. Adorable! They are all so unique and I love the things they came up with. We wrapped the necklaces in these little favor boxes I got at Dollar Tree, they were in the wedding stuff. They were just plain white so the kids decorated them.
Finally we made a video. I recorded each of them saying what they loved most about their mom and clip them all together in imovie on the ipad. It was the sweetest thing. The moms loved it.

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