Last year I was able to get an android tablet to use with my elementary students donated through Donor's choose!
It was so exciting and we used that little tablet so much. There are so many fun free apps to download. A few of my favorites...........
after getting the tablet I decided to try and get a document camera, I wanted this mostly with my high schoolers because there was a projector in the room. Some fabulous donors provided me with this.......
I know many of you got these from Learning Resources to review, I would have loved to but they didn't offer :( This has been a wonderful tool for me as well. I am already trying to get a projector in my room so I can use it this year and I just added a new project to my Donors Choose account!
I know I know, shameless, but since we are talking technology, I would love it if you stopped by and saw my project, any donations would be much appreciated! I am trying to get a now! interactive whiteboard system!! Many of the classrooms in our building have the Promethean boards and they are great, this was a much better price and would be portable! Right now Donor's choose is offering to match donations just use the code INSPIRE at checkout!! You can see my project here Learning is Fun!
All of these technology posts are really inspiring me to get more creative! I love bringing the latest and greatest to my students! If you haven't seen the posts click on the picture below to head on over to Blog Hoppin and see what it's all about!
Happy Tuesday!

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