The All About Mammals Unit she shared with me is wonderful!
The comprehension checks are offered at a high and low level as well, and answer keys were provided. I printed the answer keys and let the students check their work when they finished! They loved being able to see what they should have highlighted as well as the answers!
We used the graphic organizers to record facts about mammals, this helped them organize their thoughts to be included in the flip book and a paragraph that they would be writing about mammals.
The flip books were a fun way to show off what they had learned about mammals. They completed them at an independent center and did a wonderful job! They had to cut out each square and line them up so that the smallest was on top and the largest on the bottom. They did it on their own and they looked great!
They used the facts they recorded the previous day on the graphic organizer to record facts into the flap book.
They were so excited to take the books back to their regular classroom and share with their friends. This was a perfect way for them to practice Retell of non-fiction passages which was our focus skill this week.
This as a fabulous unit. It also includes maps that students can color to show where each type of mammal is found, and a larger flip book to included the entire mammal unit on. My students loved reading the passages and it gave them great practice on looking for details, showing where they found them, and retelling what the main idea of the passage was about. Head on over to Tara's blog and store to check out more of her amazing work!! I know you'll love it all!!
Thanks for reading, Happy Saturday, hope your enjoying your weekend! Don't forget to stop by and enter to win a Summer Reading Packet from Carson Dellosa - Read more about it HERE!

This is so great! Thank you for being my partner for the product swap! :)