A day in my shoes! (Linky Party)

I'm linking up over at Adventures of a 6th grade teacher to show you what a day in my shoes looks like! At first I thought my schedule was pretty bad but after reading all of yours it's really not horrible! Thanks for sharing your days and giving me a better perspective on mine! So here's what I do....

5:30 - Alarm goes off - wake hubby up so he can get ready for work, turn alarm off
6:00 - Hubby leaves for work (kisses me goodbye) I get out of bed and head for the bathroom
6-6:45 - shower, hair, makeup, get dressed
6:45 - wake up my kids, turn on the tv, get breakfast
6:45-7:30 - eat, make sure the kids are getting up and getting ready, check emails and my blog, start the car, all while listing to the Today Show and yelling at the kids to hurry up and let the other one have a turn in the bathroom (remember they are teenagers, and neither one of them like waking up in the morning)!!!
7:30 - leave for school
7:35 - arrive at kids school drop them off
7:40 - arrive at my school - head for the classroom
7:45-8:00 - Check mail box, order lunch if I didn't bring one, set up computer, get things ready for the day
8:00-8:30 - Group one of K (6 students)- Language for Learning Direct Instruction program
8:30-8:40 - same group - movement activity with counting or alphabet recitation (have to break up the seat time)
8:40-9:00 - same group - math activities, usually the stuff I download from blogs or create myself, we are really learning slowly this year - we are only counting to 2!! and recognizing numbers 1-5 so it's been really slow going.
9:00-9:10 - same group - movement activity with counting or alphabet recitation
9:10-9:30 - same group - Reading Mastery Direct Instruction programs (we are still working on a and m)
9:30-10:00 - Group 2 K-1 (4 students) Reading Mastery Direct Instruction Program - we are working on reading three and four word sentences.
10:00 -10:15 - same group - fluency activities usually something I downloaded from all the great blogs I've found or something I created. Lots of cvc blending and decoding games.
10:15-10:30 - same group - math practice, we use what they are doing in the general education classroom and review skills such as addition and subtraction using things from blogs or my own creations.
10:30- 11:00 - Group 3 4th grade (3 students) - Phonics Direct Instruction Program, it's long, it's boring, I wish I could be using all the cool teacher created stuff, but it's gotta have research behind it so we do Phonics!
11:00-11:30 - Duty Free LUNCH - I get to talk with co-workers and have some fun!!
11:30-12:30 - PLAN Time - I write IEPs or hold IEP meetings, plan lessons for the next day, make copies, talk to my principal if needed, talk with co-workers about student progress/areas to work on, make sure everything is ready to go, pack up and head to the middle/high school.
12:30-1:49 - 9th grade special education Language Arts (5 students) - We start with writers notebook, we write everyday and finish a piece for publishing every 4 weeks, then we do grammar practice- different skills we have a VERY OLD grammar book I used it at first until I knew what I was doing now we use teacher created materials to review parts of speech, punctuation, ect. We finish with reading, we read a book together - I have several novels I purchased for book clubs when I was working with 4th and 5th graders we started the year reading some of these "Walk Two Moons" and "Holes" are my favorites. Now we are working on Non-fiction and we've been reading about the Titanic since we've come back for break (8 days)!
1:54-3:00 - Co-Teach 7th grade Science with an Amazing Science Teacher!! She was my 7th grade science teacher back in the day! We have 16 kids in the class 9 with IEPs so everything has to be adapted, that's where I come in! I help make adaptations to units/projects that are difficult for my students, Vocab is the hardest part I'm working on strategies to help them remember terms and definitions.
3:00-3:30 - collaborate with general education teachers about students progress, collect documentation forms, talk with principal if needed.
3:30- head home
3:35 - arrive home, check mail, run in to plug in my laptop and check up on what everyone in blog land has been doing and write the post that's been forming in my head all day!
4:00- Hubby arrives home, great him, everyone works on chores - I make dinner, do dishes, and laundry
5:00 - sit down to dinner with the family! EXCEPT on Monday and Wednesdays when I head on out to GRAD CLASS :(
5:30-6:00 - clean up dinner/dishes, make lunches for next day, have dessert if there is one
6:00-7:00 - watch news, more blogging, creating, computer time
7:00-8:00 - Bible/quiet time - everyone in the house participates, it's really nice!
8:00- family time - we watch something, play a game, or lately it's shovel the drive together.
9:00 - get kids into shower, get out clothes for the next day, yell at kids to get their things out, take turns in the bathroom, make sure they brush their teeth, take wet towels to laundry hamper! ON MONDAY/WEDNESDAY I'M JUST GETTING HOME at 9:30 :(
10:00 - Kids get in bed, hubby and I watch tv, we like CSI, Person of Interest, cop shows!
11:00 - into bed! I'm not a sleeper, usually I will be laying in bed for hours thinking of things I need to do while the hubby snores away! My mother says I've never slept much since I was born!! I sometimes read in bed, but most the time I get up and get more computer time - I try to be nice so my hubby can sleep!

So that's my day in a nutshell!! Head on over here....
To read about other people's days, I'm sure they are way more exciting than me!


  1. Amy,
    You must young!! I can't imagine seeing all the groups you do during the day, plus grad school, plus family life...and then you don't even go to bed until 11:00. I read a blog post that talked about making time for things you want to do and that's obviously what you do:)

  2. I meant - You must be young.

  3. I am SOOO jealous you get duty free lunch. Down in South Land, you have to eat with the little pumpkins. =) And I have to scarf it all down like 5 minutes, because that's about all the time that is left after I get them through the lunch line!


  4. Amy, your day sounds pretty well rounded to me... I like the idea of Bible / quiet time with the family! Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving your sweet comment!
    Sending you lots of hugs...


  5. Thanks for sharing your day! I'm your newest follower!
    I would love a visit if you have a free minute

    Randi @ Teach It With Class
    My TPT Store
    My Facebook Page

  6. Yeah for a duty free lunch, I have one too!!! I cannot believe how many different preps you have!

    Thanks for linking up!
    Miss Klohn
    Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

  7. nice post. Now you can use this b2b portal directory to promote kids footwears import & export business.


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