OK who started this new game of tag, seriously I am way to slow for this!!! I'm playing along with all four people who tagged me before I got away - I'm answering all 40 questions, I am sure you will know much more about me then you ever wanted too, but then guess what I don't need to be tagged anymore :) No tag backs, I've made it to safety, ally ally oxen free, or whatever you say when you need a second to catch your breath :)
First off Holly from Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade got me, she asked...
Then Mrs. Tolbert at
Daisy Days for Learning came along and got me again, she wants to know....
Before I got away Miss Nelson got me too! Check her out at
Run! Miss Nelson's Got the Camera!
Finally Jessica from
The Polka Dotted Teacher ended up tagging me as I was falling off the face of blogland! Here are her questions!!
Whew, I am exhausted after all that fun!! Sorry guys I don't have time to tag anyone else, I'm sure you've all be thoroughly tagged but if not and you want to be head on over to
Christina's Blog, she's got an open tagging invitation for you!
I feel ya on the grad stuff! Glad all is well though!
Ms. Rachel’s Room
Thanks for playing. I've got some AWESOME giveaways coming up starting Thursday so check back often.