What I am Thankful For!

What the teacher wants is hosting a Thankful Linky Party. I am so excited to link up and let everyone know what I am thankful for. I love this time of year because it brings my focus back to what is really important. Here is what I am thankful for....

1.  What are you thankful for in your classroom?
That has to be my wonderful students! At times when I feel like I don't know if I can go on for one more day they can sure make me feel like there is nothing else I would rather do.

2. What person are you most thankful for?

Like most of you married ladies my husband is defiantly the person I am most thankful for......he puts up with a lot of  teacher talk that I know he doesn't really get, and does his best to support me! Since we were married so young and had kids right away I know getting through collage and realizing my dream of teaching would not have been nearly as easy without him!!

3. What 3 blogs are you most thankful for?
I am thankful for the whole blogging community and so glad I am a part of it but if I just have to pick three Here are my top faves.........

Holly's Blog Crisscross Applesaues in First Grade is full of great ideas, and I can always count on her to comment on my blog!! She has made my day with her thoughtfulness more than once! (She's also from Michigan)

Caitlin at Ms. Preppy also has so many great ideas, I'm always excited when she posts! Plus she's one of the hosts of  Holly Bloggy Christmas which I am over the moon excited about - My gift is going in the mail this week!

Kerri & Lindsay over at Teacher Bits and Bobs have posted so many activities I've been able to print and use in my classroom! I am so thankful for their word units. I've used them all and couldn't wait for the holiday one to be posted so I could get it all ready for December!

Again choosing three was hard, I am thankful for every blog I follow and all of you out there who share such amazing things with others.

4. What guilty pleasure are you most thankful for?
Chocolate and Dr. Pepper. Sometimes I think that's all I need for dinner..... I know that's horrible and I should try to be more healthy but I just don't want to!

5. What are you most thankful for?
My entire family. I love them more than words and can't imagine life without them! They are a great support system and never let me down :)
I can't wait to spend the holidays with them relaxing and enjoying all of them as much as possible!

So if you have something to be thankful for head on over to What the Teacher Wants and link up!!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

1 comment

  1. I loooovvveee your family picture!!! SO ADORABLE!!!
    Thank you for linking up!


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